Let’s Talk About the Penguins’ Goalie Situation

Connor Williams breaks down the goalie situation in Pittsburgh.

Did the Penguins provide a glimmer of hope?

Last night, the Pittsburgh Penguins faced the New Jersey Devils on the road, hoping to snap out of the seemingly endless spiral they were in. The Devils have only had 4 regulation losses in their last 20 games, so it was a bleak outlook for the Penguins. THANKFULLY, my boy Evgeni Malkin showed up toContinueContinue reading “Did the Penguins provide a glimmer of hope?”

Sidney Crosby, the Pittsburgh Penguins, and some magic.

Honestly, coming into this season, I was worried that we were approaching the phase where our stars are getting older and our Cup chances are dropping. Especially with the Penguins being as injury prone as they are. Well, the injury prone issue is alive and well this season, having at one point lost our leaderContinueContinue reading “Sidney Crosby, the Pittsburgh Penguins, and some magic.”